Sunday, June 13, 2010


Getting back into routine...
Vacations always really derail me and it takes a solid week or more to get back into routine and in control.  Now that my house is put back together, laundry is caught up, kids are back into a nap/sleep schedule, grocery shopping is done and fridge is stocked...I can get back into routine with working out.  I have lots of fresh fruit and will be heading to get more in a couple days.  Fresh fruit and veggies are great this time of year.  Who doesn't love strawberries, bananas, WATERMELON, pineapple...bring it on.
As for working is HOT so indoor exercise is mandatory.  I have it planned for the week and will let you know how it works out.  The time of day for everyday is written out on my whiteboard in my room. 

Now, LOSING IT with Jillian....AWESOME show...I LOVE IT...if you have not seen it, watch it.  It was incredibly motivating to see that the lady this week was able to loss 30 pounds in SIX weeks BY Jillian, no Bob, no BL shows if you really want something, YOU can achieve it.  Hence, my renewed motivation in getting what I want.

??? Have you seen Losing It?  If so, what do you think???