Friday, January 27, 2012

New Year, New Me

Yes, I know it is actually the end of January but it is still the first month of 2012.  At the beginning of the year, I realized that something has to change.  I felt like all aspects of my life were out of my control and not the way I wanted them.  I obviously need to change myself physically...I need to be strong/fit and a healthy weight.  Because of my weight, I kinda just gave up on taking care of myself.  I didn't eat right (contributing to weight gain), I stopped caring about my appearance (makeup, skincare, clothing) and I just overall stopped trying. 

So with that being said, I did like the rest of the world does and made some new year's resolutions.  I decided that I needed to have a plan and focus on all the aspects of my life that I wanted to change and not just focus on the weight loss.  I  know that this year is going to be hard but I also know that I can continue to push myself and eventually come out on top.  I am not giving up...I am picking myself back up and making a change.  

I changed having monthly goals and have a couple short-term goals that I am working toward.  I want to get back to my pre-Kenzli pregnancy weight and I want to be able to wear my wedding ring again.  It has been almost 3 years since it has fit.  I will admit that I was able to shove it all the way onto my finger a couple nights ago but my finger started changing colors and stayed really red the rest of the night.  I miss it and can't wait to wear it again (hopefully, soon).

More on my specific goals and my plan to achieve them in upcoming posts.  Check back soon!!!