Sunday, July 31, 2011

August Goals

WOW!!!  It is time to get back down to business.  It is amazing how a change in your normal daily routine can cause such derail.  Now that summer is almost over (school starts in one week) and I will get back into a routine, I figured it was time to start making some goals again.  Here are my goals for the month of August:

1. Track calories consumed! I now have a smart phone with the MyFitnessPal app which is already loaded and ready to be used.

2. Drink 64 ounces of water per day!  I have been drinking WAY TOO MUCH soda and NOT enough water.  I am ready to bust out my cup and start downing the H2O. 

3. Get my control journal finished ( and get organized in my day to day life making everything else a little bit easier to deal with.  I have had a control journal before and LOVED it but it has been collecting dust lately and needs to be updated a little.  I have LOTS of organization projects in my head that will be taking place this month so that I can feel a little less scatter-brained.

4. Weigh-in weekly.  I know that I have gained back some (thankfully not all) of my weight.  I am ready to face the numbers and know where I stand so I can start watching the numbers go down.

5. Start blogging again!!! :)  I know that you have all missed me SSSOOOO much so I will focus and at least blogging once a week but hopefully more.  Once a week is the plan for now so that I can still get everything else done that I need to. 

Well, there you have it.  I am getting back on track.  I love that the first of August falls on a Monday.  Start of a new week, start of a new month, and start of being back in control!!!

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