Friday, February 26, 2010


my sweet beverages...


Friday, February 19, 2010


Lately I have been really struggling with finding a balance in my day to day life. It seems like if I spend quality time with my girls, the housework suffers. If my house looks nice and put together, my kids suffer. I am struggling to get the personal things I want to get done, done. Hence, the lack of blogging. It has not been on the top of my priority list. I am trying really hard to put my personal goals and myself back on my priority list and in so doing, I will feel more in control and balanced.
I still have been focusing on the small things I can do to lose weight. I have been consuming less soda, eating more fruits, drinking TONS of water and being conscious of my mindless munching. Slow and steady wins the race but I am gonna kick it into second gear NOW!
Now off to tackle more of my LONG to-do list.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I really like to munch, graze, snack, pretty much eat for no reason. I am not too bad at home (mostly because I don't keep much around that I want to munch on) but when I am at my parent's house, it is another story. They have LOTS of snack food and I usually sample my fair share. While over there today, I made an effort to not munch AT ALL!!! I didn't!!!!!!! I ate lunch and had a cookie afterwards but that is it. I DIDN'T SNACK!!! It is not a huge thing but I was an big thing for me. Small steps will make all the difference in the end.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Just wanted to post quickly to say that I did weigh in today. I LOST 1/2 pound. Not much but it is a loss so I am happy!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekly Check-in

*Do an inital weigh-in on Tuesday ~ DONE
*Enjoy a walk outside with my girls at least 3 days this week ~ OOPS, TRY AGAIN
*Eat two servings of fruit each day ~ DONE and so YUMMY

Two out of three is not so bad. I am gonna be excited that I was able to eat fruit since it is not necessarily always my favorite. Celebrate the accomplishments instead of wallow in the failures...I don't really consider if a failure so much as a mistake. I have thought about ways to include working out into my life and for now I am simply going to move more. That means WALK to the mailbox, park further away from the store entrance, chase/play with Sariah at the park, and anything else I can think of.

So goals this week:
*Move more
*Continue to eat two servings of fruit daily

Saturday, February 6, 2010


"The purpose of articulating one thing about yourself you love is so that you can simply and swiftly shift your focus from negative to positive each and every time a self-critical or self-doubting thought slips into your mind. Your one thing that you love should be your mantra for helping you stay focused on your goals and continuing to love yourself." ~ Bob Harper

I have been reading Bob Harper's (Biggest Loser trainer) book "Are You Ready" and he talks a lot about loving yourself. I found it fitting that I read the above quote in his book on Tuesday. Why, you might ask. Well, Tuesdays are particularly hard for me. I tend to be hard on myself and compare myself ALOT!!! Well, Tuesday is playgroup day. It is not always bad but this past Tuesday in particular, I found myself looking around comparing my many faults and shortcomings to the women around me.

"I wish I liked to workout as much as she does."

"She looks incredible and she just had a baby."

"She always eats so heathly and is so skinny because of it."

"I love her hair. I wish I could pull off that hairdo."

"I wonder if they are looking at me thinking I am HUGE."

I could keep going with all the negative thoughts I had that day but I'll stop with just those. It can be so hard to be around other people when you get caught up in comparing yourself to them. I came home depressed and instead of eating ice cream or chocolate, I decided to read. When I read that quote, I REALLY needed it. I knew immediately what my mantra would be.


I love the color, the shape, the size...EVERYTHING about them. I have ALWAYS loved them! Two stories about my eyes....I had a doctor in high school, that called me Belle because my eyes reminded him of Belle from Beauty and the Beast. He talked about how much he liked my eyes at every appointment I had with him. Also, on my wedding day a guy making a wedding video of us followed us around while we were taking pictures. He had me do a shot for the video where I was looking down and quickly looked up at the camera. I was skeptical how it would turn out but it was INCREDBLE. It is one of my favorite parts of our video. (Hard to explain it but you are welcome to see it next time your at my house). My eyes have always been a good feature of mine and I want them to continue to be. I am now devoted to taking care of them. That means taking makeup off before bed each night and always accenting them with makeup to make me feel even more confident during the day.

Now my question to you, what would be your mantra??? I am hoping that mine will be ever changing as I begin to love ALL OF ME!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Good Day!

I am super proud of myself today. I am not a huge breakfast eater which is a problem when it come to weight loss. Getting up and eating a healthy breakfast jump starts metabolism which is something I really need to happen. I started my day off right and had a delicious fruit smoothie. I went to lunch with some friends and instead of getting french fries, I got the fruit cup instead. With those two decisions, I had more than my two fruit servings for my day. Then I decided to walk across to some stores instead of drive over which is something I normally would not do. It was really nice to feel good about decisions I made. I am proud of my day today and am excited for more good decisions tomorrow!!!