Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Everyday life has taken over.  The stress of relocating my family to Texas, hubby graduating for dental school, reapplying to residency programs plus lots of those everyday life moments has contributed to a weight gain of 10+ pounds. 
Time to get back in the swing of things.  For the past two weeks, I have been logging my food in myfitnesspal and cutting out snacking and watching portions.  It has led to a 4 pound loss in two weeks.  I am thankful but know I have lots more to go.  Time to add in working out and learn to LOVE it.  Time to start blogging for myself again to keep me on track and responsible. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I have definitely talked about this before but I lack self motivation.  I have done Weight Watchers in the past and was successful in the short amount of time I did it.  I lost weight every week except one because I KNEW that I was going to have someone weigh me in and see my weight.  The only reason that I stopped going to WW was because I hated converting calories into points and knew it was not something I was willing to do long term.  I thought I would do fine just counting calories...which has also worked short term but without the motivation to workout has not done enough to get the results I need to keep pushing myself.

My weight is effecting my a bad way.  I NEED TO CHANGE.  I need to make better choices and be a better role model to my little girls.  I still wait for the day that my oldest realizes that I am overweight and unhealthy (if she hasn't already).  It will be such a sad day for me because it is a choice that I am making.  No medical condition is causing me to be gain weight or be is my choosing.
I decided to join a group of ladies in a healthiness challenge thinking it would motivate me to get my rear in gear.  Unfortunately, I have done the bare minimum in order to not hurt my team point-wise.  I have not lost any weight because I am not pushing myself with my workouts and not restricting my calories enough.  Today starts the last week of the 4-week challenge and I am going to try to push myself as hard as possible to lose some weight and feel like I deserve the points I have gotten.

I know that this post is venting but this is my blog and I am allowed! :) I need to get some concrete goals set for myself and determine what I am going to do to achieve them.  I keep trying to remind myself of the following...

If I can just remember this everyday that I don't feel like working out or eating right then maybe, just maybe I can conquer my weight.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well I attempted this workout video tonight.  My arms are still shaky writing this.  
I think that I am going to stick with 30 day shred for awhile longer and come back to this video once I am a little bit stronger.  There were too many poses that I simply could not hold ... I know practice makes perfect but I am more likely to quit if it is too hard.  
Regardless, I still worked out and that is another step in the right direction.  I still need to work on eating better though.  I have stayed within my calorie range everyday this week but with very little fruits or vegetables.  I also have actually eaten breakfast everyday this week too which is HUGE for me.  In the past, I would think about eating breakfast at like 11:00 but now I almost always eat before 8:30.

Monday, February 6, 2012


This is my accountability board. I have a picture to remind me what I am working toward.  I also have my goal checklist and a workout schedule.
My goal checklist is stuff that I need to work on to better myself physically but also just to be a better me.  Here are the goals:
*Get up 7:00 AM
*Eat Breakfast
*64 ounces of water
*2 Fruit Servings
*2 Vegetable Servings (which I am substituting with taking my vitamins right now)
*Stop eating after 9 PM
*Keep a food journal
*Exercise (at least 30 minutes)
*Wash Face
*Scripture Study
*Go to bed by 10:30 PM
Last week was not my best but I felt it was a good starting point.  I need to really get into an exercise routine and stick with it.  I have the schedule of what workout to do which day but now it is just getting it done. :)  Off to get my workout done.  

??? What are some goals you are working on right now???

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Year, New Me

Yes, I know it is actually the end of January but it is still the first month of 2012.  At the beginning of the year, I realized that something has to change.  I felt like all aspects of my life were out of my control and not the way I wanted them.  I obviously need to change myself physically...I need to be strong/fit and a healthy weight.  Because of my weight, I kinda just gave up on taking care of myself.  I didn't eat right (contributing to weight gain), I stopped caring about my appearance (makeup, skincare, clothing) and I just overall stopped trying. 

So with that being said, I did like the rest of the world does and made some new year's resolutions.  I decided that I needed to have a plan and focus on all the aspects of my life that I wanted to change and not just focus on the weight loss.  I  know that this year is going to be hard but I also know that I can continue to push myself and eventually come out on top.  I am not giving up...I am picking myself back up and making a change.  

I changed having monthly goals and have a couple short-term goals that I am working toward.  I want to get back to my pre-Kenzli pregnancy weight and I want to be able to wear my wedding ring again.  It has been almost 3 years since it has fit.  I will admit that I was able to shove it all the way onto my finger a couple nights ago but my finger started changing colors and stayed really red the rest of the night.  I miss it and can't wait to wear it again (hopefully, soon).

More on my specific goals and my plan to achieve them in upcoming posts.  Check back soon!!!