Sunday, March 14, 2010


This week has been GREAT!!! It is amazing how energizing it is to feel accomplished. I accomplished so much this week. I set goals and stuck to them.

Goal #1 ~ Eat 4-5 times per day: This went really well. I found that I wasn't munching as much in between meals and snacks. I only had one day when I missed dinner but it wasn't in my control. I was told that something I was going to was a dinner, but it turned out to just be only dessert. I know to plan ahead now and have nutritious snacks with me always.

Goal #2 ~ Exercise Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat: Well I would love to say that I did this but unfortunately I missed Saturday. No good excuse...just tired because Kenzli had a rough night (she is teething). I did find that if I don't just workout in the morning, that it does not get done. I was too tired on saturday morning, so I decided to shower and get ready and workout that night...did not happen. Live and learn.

Goal #3 ~ No fast food: I had NO fast food all week. Sounds like a small thing but I eat fast food for lunch more than I would like to admit. I like the convenience of not having to prepare anything.

Now to set this weeks goals!!! It has been said that it takes 28 days to make a habit. So, I am gonna keep the goal to eat 4-5 times per day. I am also gonna keep the goal to workout 5 times this week. I am switching the no fast food to focus on hydration. I tend to be hit or miss with drinking water. Some days I drink TONS and other days it seems like at the end of the day I have only had like 1-2 glasses. With that in mind, I bought the coolest water bottle to keep with me ALWAYS. It has a tracker on the side of the lid that you can rotate each time you fill it so you know how much you are drinking. I have been doing it this week and usually drink between 3-4 bottles full (24 oz. bottle). So my goal this week, is to drink at least 3 (so 72 ounces) of these everyday.

Here's to a GREAT week!!!

P.S. Feel free to check up on me when you see me and make sure I have the water bottle with me! :)


ed and brooke said...

I LOVE the motivation you have in this post. The best feeling is getting up first thing in the morning and taking care of yourself (i.e. exercise, eating right). I always am so much more able to take care of Esley when I've taken care of myself first. Good luck this week!

HCGpower said...

You are doing super. I made a goal to get up at 6:00am to work out and boomed it to some extent. You are doing super great. I am going to renue my goal and work out harder.

Dan and Linsey said...

So awesome! Love what you are doing!