Let me be completely honest for a minute....
I LACK MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As much as I wish that this was not true, it is! I get really excited about making a change and do really good for a little bit and then just slowly lose the motivation to keep on going. Hence, the lack of blog posts lately...not for lack of time but because I did not want to admit that I was no longer working toward my weight loss/getting fit goals. Well, I am gonna start this process AGAIN and am trying to find ways to stay motivated.
While reading my sisters blog, I realized that I am jealous of the community and friends that she has that are fellow runners. This got me thinking that there must be a community of fellow people trying to gain control of their weight and get fit. So I did a google search for "weight loss blogs" and found some that really excited me. I am looking forward to reading them and getting ideas and advice for what they have found works for them. I hope that reading and following some of these blogs will help me stay on track for a longer period of time.
One thing that I noticed about these blogs (most of them at least), is that they have blog entries almost everyday. I know that I don't have many followers (which is fine with me) but like I said in the beginning this blog is for ME. So I am gonna start blogging my successes, failures, frustrations, and such that I go through several times per week. (sorry if it is boring to you but you don't have to read them all)
I realized that my April goals of fitting into my wedding ring and capris did not happen. Although I really was trying to avoid buying any clothes while I am trying to lose weight, I decided that tomorrow I am headed to find a cute fitting pair of capris or shorts that I can feel good in. Feeling fat and ugly is not the motivation that I need.
I have also been thinking about the weekly goals that I have been setting. Well they are now a think of the past. Instead of having three or more goals that I am working on at one time...I am gonna start of by forming habits instead. I will be getting into what habit(s) I will be focusing on in later posts this week. Stay tuned!
I can get you a week pass to try fitness 1 if you want, just let me know!
Keep up the good work! Have rewards for yourself (not food, of course) like when you lose 10 pounds - manicure, 20 pounds - massage, etc. so you have something you can work towards. Whatever it is that is a treat that you don't normally get. This helped me a ton.
I heard this quote the other day and I think it was from Jeffrey R. Holland...
"The only real control in life is self control."
I love it. We have to be able to moderate all things in our lives. Some are easier than others (food is so hard for me), but keep it up! You're doing great. Since I do read this blog I will try to be better at making comments. :o)
Angie, I'm Brie Wheelwright's mom. I read your blog, just so you know that there ARE people who are enjoying and learning from what you write. It has been an inspiration to me and both of my daughters! We are on the same journey that you are, and I've lost a few pounds now. Keep journaling your food...that's what works best for me. I told my girls that I'll run (walk) a half marathon this summer. I hope I can lose about 30 more pounds first!
Go Angie!!
ANGIE YOU CAN DO IT!!! It is so hard to stick with it that has been my problem for so long. But we are all here for you. Keep up the good work LOVE YA
You found some great blogs! I'm sure they will help keep you motivated.
Prior Fat Girl's is amazing. You should go back and read her blog from the past year. (I found her blog when I first started my running blog.)
It's true, you really inspire my mom, sister, and of course me. You are doing great, and I find myself in the same boat sometimes. Complete lack of motivation. I think what Jill said sounds great, rewards yourself when you hit your goal! That's what I'm going to start doing.
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