Thursday, May 20, 2010


I used to absolutely LOVE going to the gym.  That was back in 2002, which was the last time I had a gym membership (besides Curves).  Back in the day, I was a good-looking, in shape chic that got her membership for next to nothing because I flirted it up with the enrollment guy.  (NOT NECESSARILY SOMETHING I AM PROUD OF BUT IT IS THE TRUTH)  I went religiously and would always spend an hour or more there.  I swam laps, did classes, lifted weights and worked out HARD.

Now, I am SSSOOOO NOT in shape and think I might die if I tried to go to the gym and do half the workout I used to.  But that is not the real reason in which I don't want to go to the gym.  What I am about to say is not something that I should care about but I do so here goes: I don't want to be the out-of-shape, fat chic trying to workout.  I know that I will most likely be one of the only ones thinking that but there it is.  I am ashamed of how out of shape I have become and keep telling myself that I will go back to the gym "once I am in shape".  This boils down to image issues.

Now to dive deeper into the reason I have such an image issue.  I used to be the one at the gym judging others while I worked out.  I was not judging in the way you might be imagining.  I never laughed at people that were heavy but I used to feel bad for them.  I used to think it would never happen to me and I felt sorry that they had let themselves get that way.  Now, you might all be thinking, "who are you to judge?"  Trust me, it is not judging in a bad way more as a sympathetic, I wish I could help them kinda way.  Which makes me stop to think, "WHY AM I NOT HELPING MYSELF????"

I wanted to add a little to the post because I feel like I did not explain everything I was thinking.  I do not want to go to the gym because of who I used to be.  I am COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY inspired now when I see people working out and bettering themselves.  Watching the Biggest Loser everyweek, makes me jealous to see how much they are able to do and I am envious that I am not able to workout has hard as they are.  I am humbled now that I have had the chances to walk in "the fat person's shoes" and realize that they need to be admired for working out and NOT felt bad for.  They are doing the right thing for themselves and more often than not need an encouraging word or pat on the back to keep them going.  I do still look at overweight people (myself included) and wonder what got them there...not in a judging type of way but more in a "I hope they can figure it out" kinda way.  I have walked a mile in their shoes and I am can relate now.  I hope this all makes sense.

??? Be honest...When you look at overweight people (working out or not), what thoughts go through your head??  You can leave the comment anonymously if you want.


Skye-Lynn said...

Okay Angie, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you are the reason I won't step foot in a gym! lol Bottom line... I don't want to be judged by people who have no idea what I've been through. Trust me, I get enough funny stares from the skinny chicks at the track. I can only imagine what's going through their minds.

As far as my thoughts towards overweight people... it varies. When I see an overweight person and it's obvious they are self-conscious, I sympathize with them because I know exactly what that feels like. Then, on the other hand, when I see an overweight person working out, I become truly inspired and motivated!

I am impressed that you had the guts and courage to post how you really feel about this. Most people wouldn't.

Brie Wheelwright said...

I know what you mean about going to the gym and wondering if anyone's judging. I took a tour of LA Fitness. All there was were little tiny girls in their sports bras. The gym I picked to work out at is mostly older people which I love because then I don't feel self conscious at all.

I love when I see overweight people working out. I'm really proud of them. It also helps motivate me. Like Michael with the Biggest Loser. One day he was running at a 5 for like 5 minutes. I usually run at a 4.7 for about 3. Once I saw him, I decided I had to kick it up a notch.

ed and brooke said...

Did I ever tell you that i was overweight when I was younger? Like, really overweight. Being on both ends of the spectrum (being obese and being a normal weight) I've had a change in perspective. Being obese I would envy skinny people and feel like they judged me for being big or felt like..."im so glad I can do this or this faster than her..." or whatever. In reality, most people are so consumed with themselves to even care about you or what you're doing. When I see someone now who is overweight at the gym, all I think is "wow good for them! they are doing something to change their life forever." I used to be one of those people who had to have a gym membership to work out. I don't have a gym membership now, but I still work out. If going to the gym gets you to work out, then get one and screw other people. Honestly, those girls in the little sports are so dumb most of the time. The ONLY reason people wear little outfits like that to the gym is to pick up some beef cake in the free weights section. Those girls are too concerned with their makeup that might be smudging from the 1% incline they have on the treadmill. I've been watching the biggest loser (on hulu... im trying to get caught up on this season) and I can't even tell you how excited I am for you. This is HUGE Angie. Deciding to make a change is the first step to a lifetime of health.

Linsey said...

Ang, there are going to be judgmental people wherever you go, that's just reality. It's sad because the people who judge others are the most unhappy with themselves. When I'm at the gym I kinda get in the zone and tend to not notice others a whole lot, unless they are using some equipment I want to use. I admire anyone who is wanting to make a healthy life change no matter what size they are. It all comes down to what you are willing to sacrifice to make your goal whether it be food or stares at the gym or whatever. I have to respectfully disagree with Brooke that I don't think all the skinny girls that wear skimpy clothes at the gym are walking around judging everyone in their makeup. I think it's important if we don't wish to be judged that it starts with ourselves. There are definitely aspects about the gym environment that I can't stand, but I don't get as good a workout anywhere else so I go and do my own thing. I don't care what others think about me, just don't! My offer still stands, or if you want to get up early with me and come running let me know. I think about you all the time! Keep it up!

Jan said...

Angie, there have been times when I'm at the gym that I look around and say, "Hey...I'm the oldest AND the fattest person here!" And then I'm just a tiny bit proud that, even at my age and weight, I'm hitting the gym and working my gigantic butt off. Now that I've lost a little weight, I'm not the fattest person there...and when I see someone really big, I think, "Hooray for you! Pretty soon YOU will look and feel great!" No judging whatsoever. And I've never EVER felt judged by anyone at the gym. I just feel like everyone there is so supportive and happy that we're all doing our best to get healthy and strong. Just GO WORK OUT...listen to your iPod and don't even make eye contact with anyone if you feel a little self-conscious at first...and then in a little while, you'll feel like the queen of the universe and you'll be making everyone else there feel great to be working out and getting buff. You'll love it!!