I just finished stuffing the easter eggs for our little hunt tomorrow. Normally I would eat several of the candies in the process but I only ate ONE skittle. Not one package, one individual little skittle. It tasted good but I had no desire to eat more.
Also we are at my parent's house this weekend and with it comes the temptation to eat the candies out in the candy dish. But I have not have ANY...not even one little M&M or whopper...NOTHING!!! I am more aware of my mindless eating and think before it goes in my mouth. Before, I would grab a handful of the almond m&ms and eat them before even realizing what I was doing. It was just automatic...see, eat.
Now, I am not saying that everything that goes into my mouth is 100% good for me or that I never eat without thinking it through. Especially considering I just ate a movie theater popcorn at the movie with my hubby tonight (FYI...Source Code is worth seeing). But I planned my dinner knowing I would want popcorn, so I left myself enough calories so I could enjoy some.
I am hoping that the next two days are as successful as today was. I weighed in this morning with a 1.4 pound weight loss for the week. I have 2.9 pounds to lose to hit April's goal. I will try my hardest to workout hard and eat right but I will be happy with my progress no matter what the scale says at the end of the month. I am now gonna wait until May 1st to weigh in and see how it goes. Here's to making everyday count and making healthy choices along the way!!!