Friday, April 22, 2011


It is amazing how different I already feel after losing 10 pounds.  I feel like I am regaining my confidence.  I feel proud of who I am.  I feel strong in knowing I am sticking with my goals.  And it feels GREAT!!!

I just finished stuffing the easter eggs for our little hunt tomorrow.  Normally I would eat several of the candies in the process but I only ate ONE skittle.  Not one package, one individual little skittle.  It tasted good but I had no desire to eat more.

Also we are at my parent's house this weekend and with it comes the temptation to eat the candies out in the candy dish.  But I have not have ANY...not even one little M&M or whopper...NOTHING!!!  I am more aware of my mindless eating and think before it goes in my mouth.   Before, I would grab a handful of the almond m&ms and eat them before even realizing what I was doing.  It was just automatic...see, eat.

Now, I am not saying that everything that goes into my mouth is 100% good for me or that I never eat without thinking it through.  Especially considering I just ate a movie theater popcorn at the movie with my hubby tonight (FYI...Source Code is worth seeing).  But I planned my dinner knowing I would want popcorn, so I left myself enough calories so I could enjoy some.

I am hoping that the next two days are as successful as today was.  I weighed in this morning with a 1.4 pound weight loss for the week.  I have 2.9 pounds to lose to hit April's goal.  I will try my hardest to workout hard and eat right but I will be happy with my progress no matter what the scale says at the end of the month.  I am now gonna wait until May 1st to weigh in and see how it goes.  Here's to making everyday count and making healthy choices along the way!!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

10 pound REWARD

10 pounds gone FOREVER!!!

It feels great!

What feels even better is getting comments from people.  One friend told me the other day at the park that my pants were too big for me.  She knows I am trying to lose weight though so although I took the compliment, I still kinda wonder if she was saying it just to be nice.
Then a couple days ago, I was told that I look like I have lost alot of weight and that I look really good.  It was really nice to hear ESPECIALLY because she is unaware that I am working on losing weight.  I was so happy!

Now as for the reward...I have decided to reward myself every 10 pounds I lose.  Since I don't want a food reward (obviously) and I don't want it to be clothes because that seems like a waste of money.  So I decided to accessorize!!!

I first had to come up with a place to store my jewelry so I made this....
Here is it with the accessories.  Only 4 items are new...and those were on clearance.
Next up...a way to organize my earrings.

Well, on a slightly different note, I did another 5K tonight and was able to shorten my time.  I did it in 48:42...I followed it with some ab work and stretching.  I can honestly say that I can see myself really enjoying running once I am in better shape.  I can already see myself getting some endurance in my workouts.  YEA!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I hit the treadmill this morning. 
It felt great! 
I even improved my time from last month's 5k.

Today was much better than yesterday.  I made better food choices and got my body moving.  I am surprised that I was not more drained after working out but I heave been pretty energized all day.  Not sure what workout I am gonna do tomorrow...I just know I need to get it done in the morning since I have a commitment tomorrow evening. 
I am actually excited to weigh on Friday to see where I am.  I am feeling a difference in the way my clothes fit and starting to see it in my face.  It is such a good feeling!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Step cardio workout!  AWESOME!!!  I was able to actually keep up with the dvd for almost all of the workout.  It felt good and although my knee did start to bother me about 20 minutes in, I felt good having finished it.

Today on the other hand...BLAH!  I woke up in the middle of the night (thanks to my peanut) and had a horrible migraine.  It took me a long time to get back to sleep because I was so sick to my stomach and my head hurt to even lay it on the pillow.  It took a long time to get going this morning and as a result my day got thrown off.  I did not eat breakfast until later.  Lunch time came and nothing sounded good which resulted in eating stuff I shouldn't have.  Dinner was okay except that I ate too big of portions.  No workout today either.  Today was just one of those days.  Despite how I was feeling and the not so great eating, it could have been alot worse.

I have a plan going into tomorrow though.  My baby normally takes an afternoon nap but due to another commitment, she will take a morning nap while my peanut is at preschool.  Which means I will have time to get in a good workout and still have time to get ready.  I am gonna do a 5K on the treadmill and then a short weights workout.  Today is over, tomorrow is a new day and I am gonna make it count!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello 180s!!!

Good news all...I hit the 180s on Friday!!!  189.2 which means a 1.7 pound loss for the week.  I was happy!!!

This week I really want to kick up the exercise though.  Obviously the watching calories is helping me to lose but I wanted to get fit as well.  I am trying to decide whether to hit the treadmill tonight or attempt a dvd...I'll let you know.

Hoping for a 2 - 3 pound loss this week.  I am gonna weigh in twice...wednesday (which is my normal weigh in) and Friday (since that is one week from when I hit 180s).

Wish me luck!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Truth: My husband is currently in his 3rd year of dental school.

Truth: We have been married over 7 years and he has been a full-time student the whole time.

Truth: He (we) applied to dental school 4 times before being accepted.

Truth: The process of applying and being rejected is very stressful and expensive.

Truth: Stress makes me want to eat and eat and eat (especially oreos with milk).

Truth: We are coming up on another application cycle to get into a residency program.

Truth: I will not allow stress to allow me to eat!!!

I am hoping that being AWARE that food will not help the stress to go away will allow be to make better choices.  I am trusting myself to make good choices and find other ways (such as exercise) to relive the stress of applying.

Wish me luck!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

March Review and April Goals

This month has been really good.  I am excited with my results and am very encouraged to keep going.  March's goal review:

1. Drink 48 ounces of water each day.  
Completed all but 3 days.  Most days I actually drank more...I am really starting to thrive on water.

2.  Run a mile without walking or stopping.
I would love to say that I can do this but running was hurting my knees.  I need to lose some weight so it is not as hard on my joints.  I did find that I LOVE walking at an incline and it is a challenge yet does not make my knee ache.

3. Get my weight into the 180s.
SO SO SO close...190.9 
I am giving myself a little slack since I had two weekends full of family and food.  Despite the bridal shower and wedding, I feel like I made the best food choices available to me and really watch my portions.  

4.  Look into (and hopefully join) the local gym.
I posted about this earlier this month and decided for now, I am NOT going to join the gym.  The only one within my budget did not offer what I was looking for.

5.  Look at different food/exercise journals and find one that will work for me.
I have started using SparkPeople and LOVE it.  It works perfectly for me right now.  I have tracked everyday and it has been great to feel accountable and also be able to make decisions based on how many calories I have to use.

I am really excited to see what I am able to accomplish during April.  
My goals for April are:
1. Track and stay within my calorie range EVERYDAY.
2. Lose 6 pounds.  I figure this is easily attainable since I lost 7.1 pounds during March.
3. Earn at least 20 workout stars.  (I get a star on my calendar for every 30 minutes of exercise I do)