Thursday, April 7, 2011


Truth: My husband is currently in his 3rd year of dental school.

Truth: We have been married over 7 years and he has been a full-time student the whole time.

Truth: He (we) applied to dental school 4 times before being accepted.

Truth: The process of applying and being rejected is very stressful and expensive.

Truth: Stress makes me want to eat and eat and eat (especially oreos with milk).

Truth: We are coming up on another application cycle to get into a residency program.

Truth: I will not allow stress to allow me to eat!!!

I am hoping that being AWARE that food will not help the stress to go away will allow be to make better choices.  I am trusting myself to make good choices and find other ways (such as exercise) to relive the stress of applying.

Wish me luck!!!


Bethany said...

You can do it. Being aware is the first step and you are doing that. Good luck I know can do it :)

Kari said...

You've so got this! Having a plan ahead of time is the key to being successful. Best wishes on the application process. :)